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Safety First

  1. Always ensure sufficient fresh air airflow for the wearer of our gas masks. As a precaution, the silicone side valve has been removed for increased airflow. Please only reinstall it if you can guarantee breathable air through the central/front mouth opening.

  2. Do not use the mask in stuffy spaces with less than 18% oxygen concentration and no fresh air supply.

  3. Always ensure the drinking quality, freshnest and sterility of the liquid poured into the drinking Funnel or tube for its wearer. As a precaution, a mesh filter has been fitted in to prevent choking on larger particles. Wash and sterilise the Funnel after each use.

  4. Only use non-toxic, water-based mouth-safe lubricants with the Flesh-Like Insert. Wash and sterilise it after each use. Refer to the attached original Flesh-Like Insert manufacturer leaflet and packaging for more information.

  5. Always ensure mutual consent when playing with our products.

  6. Always agree safe words and gestures to stop the play of the product, particularly the the wearer is gagged

  7. Always consider all possible risks during play with the product.

  8. Stop using the Product if you experience any discomfort.

  9. Use a latex protection barrier when you can with the product.


Breathing Safety

All our gas masks are supplied to you with modifications to ensure sufficient air flow designed for inexperienced users.

  • The Original Blowing Head Gasket has its side vent silicone valve attached to the product tag. You can clip it back onto the back of the vent if you wish to do any breath play at your own risk. Bear in mind, that combined with Fleshlight cover, these are completely airtight when you re-instatel the silicone valve.

  • Other masks that do not have a side vent to modify, have 6-8 small circular holes punched in the least visible place: usually around the visor or lens rim.

  • Alternatively, some of our design feature a retrofitted circular black vent (dia. 2-3cm)

All our vintage masks are striped down and cleaned before the built process to ensure your safety from any age-related particles. Any valves and filters that are beyond their useful, safe life are substituted with our own inserts or cleaned and re-engineered for clean air flow.


Our vintage masks from before 1990s will not have the filter supplied, as it is not possible to guarantee material safety with these older products.

Flesh Insert Safety

We recommend you choose a silicone flesh insert as the material has been proven to be non-toxic over 50 years+ research. All our Original Fleshlight products are EU made and US patented and conform to strict material control regulations, being the most body-safe option.

Our starter TPE inserts also have a safety track record. Albeit shorter. Thermoplastic Elastomer is formed through the heat moulding of elastic thermoplastic rubber and other additives. TPE is free of heavy metals, reusable, and meets medical standards. It is non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and does not contain nitrites or carcinogenic substances. 

By purchasing a flesh insert of your choice, you agree to use it at your own risk close to your mouth.


Increasing ventilation

If you would like to wear the gas mask for longer, and to reduce condensation on the lenses, we recommend you increase the airflow within the mask. This can be done cold, with a steel leather puncher and a hammer, by punching regular holes around the lenses and nose. Air vents can also be created using a hot method, by heating up a large nail on a stove/oven, and carefully puncturing the masks in desired locations. Adding air vents is irreversible, and would stop the gas mask from being airtight or usable for breath play. Alternatively, you can add a mesh/honeycomb/crate barrier of own choosing to any of the seals around the face, to temporarily increase airflow


Fastenings Safety

At KINK OV GEAR you will often see securing hardware proudly exposed, which is about staying  true to our steampunk nature and showcasing reconstruction that takes place to bring new life into our products. Expect to see metal fasteners placed in high-tensile locations instead of conventional thread seams.All our structural garments such as sneaker masks, harnesses and jockstraps are hand sewn using an innovative steelwork solution, with the needle hardware securely pressed with surgical precision. Great care is taken to ensure our fastening can withstand forces exerted during their intended use, however we offer no guarantees if any of our experimental fastenings comes loose during prolonged use. We also use metal brackets, rivets, snap pins, nuts, bolts, and zip ties to construct our products.

Scottish Fetish Gas Mask Lab


All our items are supplied to you as novelty items, designed as functional art pieces or decorative items and you accept full responsibility in any experimental use. Please examine and test the product before use.


Own modifications.

We strongly advise against your own modifications to our masks, a use of unauthorised adhesives or different sized flesh inserts. You will loose all warranty rights if you modify our products. We advise against your won adaptations of any military surplus mask, trainers or to our own products. Dissecting objects carries significant risk of serious injury. Other than working with a razor-sharp scalpel, there are hidden material thickness changes, concealed obstacles and inner layers to consider and the energy stored in many fastenings can backfire spontaneously during the built process. Our built processes are complex and unreplicable. Many of our signature cuts and adaptations are dangerous to execute. The cuts are sacrificial and even with our experience, from time to time they can result in a complete write-off of an object we intend to modify. Even Ov gets deep cuts during the build on occasion. This risk and construction complexity is factored into our pricing model.


Gas Mask original parameters.

All our gas masks, new or vintage, are injection moulded from high-quality natural rubber, soft and durable, able to withstand 40+ years of storage. The elastic band has good elasticity and can be adjusted freely to ensure comfortable and airtight. Most of our lenes are made of polycarbonate, and the surface is specially treated to have an open field of view, good optical, abrasion and impact resistance. Masks with original side valve can be directly connected to a canister filter or used with the air hose connecting to the filter.​When not in use, store the mask in a place away from contaminants and materials that can damage rubber and keep it sealed in a non-transparent plastic bag in a dark place with no UV radiation

~Blows (your mind) ~

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